To facilitate the Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan (AKHS, P) with population-level surveillance and reporting regarding COVID-19 in the remote regions of Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral, AKDN dHRC has developed Hayat Disease Surveillance, a tablet-based, digital surveillance tool for use by health workers and designated community volunteers working at AKHS, P clinics and labs.
Hayat Disease Surveillance aims to trace and gather data and disease outcome on patients, who are suspected, probable or confirmed to have contracted COVID-19, whether through home care, referral for advanced care, lab results (PCR and immunoassays). It also aims to trace and track close contacts of probable and confirmed patients with COVID-19.
Hayat Disease Surveillance is helping build a powerful database and reporting portal for the reporting and monitoring of COVID-19 cases, their progress and isolation efforts to help health care administrators and policymakers understand the spread and map hotspots, to design effective response strategies in an appropriate and timely manner and also guide prevention and early alarm activities such as vaccination and sero-surveillance.
During 2021, an updated version of the app was released.
Till date, the application has registered 4,776 individuals.
The Hayat Disease Surveillance tool is Android-based and is a component of the Hayat app, which is already being used in select regions in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral by community health workers.